(If you are looking to set up Soundtrap in Schoology, click here!)
If your School or District has integrated Soundtrap with Schoology, you'll be able to join the EDU account by clicking on the Soundtrap button inside Schoology. This Soundtrap app button is either placed inside a Course or in the App Center.
1.) Log into your Schoology account and go to your course. See that the Soundtrap app is located in the left side of your Course column:
2.) Log into your Schoology account. Click on the grid icon in the Schoology banner to locate a list of installed apps.
If you don't see the Soundtrap app installed in either of these two places, then it means that Soundtrap hasn't been installed for your Course or that it hasn't been installed for your school/district yet. Please contact your Schoology support contact for further information.
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